Femdom wives spanked by their husbands




My husband and that i came to an agreement that i might be the standard submissive wife. I’m not religious, but I’m a more naturally submissive person, and he’s a more naturally dominant man. If it were the opposite way around, maybe I’d be spanking him! (Although, with him being 6′6,″ and me at a whopping 5″1′ I find the thought quite funny). We don’t have children, but I’m a stay-at-home wife. We discuss everything sort of a regular couple, but he’s the last word administrator , and if I turn things into an argument, i buy spanked. I usually get spanked subsequent day, so he doesn’t roll in the hay out of anger. He also wants me to require care of myself, and I’ve been known to travel each day without eating. i buy spanked if I don’t erode least lunch and dinner. once I make goals for myself, like exercising 5 days every week , i buy spanked if I don’t meet my very own goals. I’m okay with this arrangement, and he would never spank me if I didn’t consent thereto .

Here’s the thing. I suffer from major depression. It’s getting to sound weird once I say this, but it’s the reality . Once he started spanking me, my depression has gotten somewhat better over the years. i feel it’s because he’s forcing me to require care of myself. Heck, I lost 50 lbs and am within the best shape of my life! I also think it’s because we don’t argue like we wont to . I don’t think he enjoys spanking me. actually there are times when he down right doesn’t want to try to to it, but i actually think he does it because it helps me stay track, and he’s seen what it’s finished my mental and physical health.

My husband is extremely loving, and in no way a violent person. We are probably the happiest couple i do know . We get intimate almost a day , randomly times during the day (when the mood strikes us, so to speak). We love hanging out with one another , playing video games with one another , going out for drinks, etc. Honestly we can’t get enough of every other, and since we’ve been married 11 years now (I was only 21 once I married him, he was 22), I don’t think which will change any time soon.

I know my response doesn’t really answer your question. I don’t know that there’s been any data gathered, but I even have anecdotal evidence that means spanking could be more common than we all expect.

Also, if you think that about it, there’s an entire BDSM community out there, but that’s a special story altogether.

P.S. - I don’t believe spanking children! Children should see their parents as safe people. Children are at a special mentality, are formulating the way to problem solve, and can't consent to the pain of spanking.



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