CFNM TV Locker Room Story (pic & Hd Clip)

 CFNM TV Locker Room is Actually Male Locker Room But Female dominated Room, where rule.



Became a trainee journo in 2001 with a local paper called the MK Citizen. Spent time doing the usual stories and bored to death much of the time interviewning local councillors etc.
About 8 months into the job a sports reporter fell badly ill and was off work for about 10 months. The editor of the paper asked me to take his duties,which involved hanging around local football and rugby games each weekend and mid weeks. I cared little for the sport to be honest, but to do the job like my colleague had done I needed plenty of access, and backstairs too.
October 2001 and I got sent to cover a local football team called Trojans, and after the game was hanging about a bit unsure, when the teams manager asked me in the changing room to chat.
Walked in and almost the entire team was stripped off, sending me into a minor flutter. A bit of fake laughter ensued but none seemed bothered and I ended up sitting down on a players bench, taking down notes while the team captain, and another player sat next to me, not even bothering with a towel. Inside I was more embarrassed than they were.
Regularly reported on this team over the months, always allowed into the changing room, no one cared that I was a female reporter, saw the entire team naked, no one hid their tackle from me, and as I could check out the talent on offer, I asked one of the players out one day, while he was getting dressed after a game. I’d seen what he had to offer, thought I’ll have some of that thankyou very much, and now Paul and me have been married for 5 years.
I’d entered a few other men’s rooms in the months I did the job, all with the same attitude, and would often be interviewing a player standing naked in front of me without a towel covering his modesty. Some lad were clearly bold as brass.
Infact it was probably the highlight of my short spell as a stand in sports reporter.
What female would have refused the chance i got given there I often wonder.Smiley

Rassputin wrote:
Selina, are we to believe that you chose your husband on the size of his package?
I think this is what you actually said.
I also believe that there should be some privacy for the athletes in the locker room when there are reporters. Actually from what I read this decision is taken by the team manager or coach only, whether the athletes like it or not. Male reporters can also enter female locker rooms if given permission by the coach or team manager. There is no law against either as far as I know.
Btw, are journalist photographers allowed in the male locker rooms also. Or are they allowed to take pictures?

You cheeky so and so!
No I didn’t pick my husband to be, as he was at the time, solely on the size of his “package” as you put it. But there were a number of single young men on the Trojans team at the time who I liked, and two in particular, including Paul who later became my husband. To be perfectly honest, most of the boys genitals looked much the same size to me, from what I recall. Mind you, I loved the fact that some of the boys on this particular team were so self confident in their nakedness in front of a female reporter, and this in itself attracted me to my future husband.
Certainly the team manager was the only one who decided I was allowed into the lads changing room. One or two may have preferred me not to be there, but they never said a word.
We did have a photographer in the change room a couple of times from the paper. On my final day reporting I got a picture for the paper with all the lads in team positions with me at the centre, wearing towels or shorts. But before that was taken I had got a very private picture of myself, and all the boys on the first team that had played that day, utterly nude, looking a bit mucky and sweaty, and one or two faces in the team look less than happy.
But they didn’t take much coercing from what I can remember.
Great memories unlikely to be repeated any time soon. 




CFNMTV – The New Teacher Takes Over  

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